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Baby #3 is born (Birth Story)

After so much wait and anticipation, I got induce on September 17 at 5pm, it was an adventure for sure, I went in thinking since is my 3rd this will be easy but It was challenging to the most. 

We got to the hospital for our schedule induction after no progress since 37 weeks I was done being pregnant by 39 weeks & requested an induction past my 40 weeks, labor was just not happening on its own, same thing happened with my second I had to be induce at 42 weeks. By 5:15pm I was ready in bed, got a super awesome nurse, at 6 pm my doctor come to check me & put in a foley balloon to help my cervis dilate, it was uncomfortable & I had cramping on and off thru the night. I was able to get up to use the bathroom, eat dinner & sleep. At 5 am the balloon fall off it was weird but I was glad it got out on it's own. I was able to shower at 6:30am & that felt so good. IV put in at 7 am it took a few tries and ended calling someone else to do it. Doctor come to check me at 7:30 am I was a 4cm & a half. Pitocin started at 8 am contracting on my own but need them to be more consistent. After this I got the epidural around 9 am that went from bad to horrible the anesthesiologist keep hiding bone, went too deep & ended giving me an spinal that only lasted 45 minutes it didn't took all the pain away but I sleep a little, the worse part was my blood pressure keep going crazy & I felt really weird, all of a sudden I felt completely everything it was so bad I was screaming in pain, the anesthesiologist come back to retry the epidural which took only 10 minutes this time it was better than before but not as I was expecting, I slept a little more but as before all of the sudden I could feel everything in one side & it was starting to get hard not to push, I was only a 7 cm so really needed to relax, he came back to give me something magical apparently this time took much better than the first & I was in heaven, I slept for hours until I started having a weird sensation in my chest left side with my shoulder, It started with horrible itching everywhere, I thought I was going to die of a heart attack or something, ice seemed to help with it, the nurse turned it off the epidural pump scare of something happening to me. I slept some more until around 3:50pm the doctor checks me & baby is  ready but I'm not I wanted to have a bit more feeling before I started to push, 10 minutes later I say ok I'm ready, it took four puches really good ones to get her out and by 4:11 pm she was born, I got to touch her head which it was nasty & full of hair, I didn't felt any pain which is why I decided not to wait too long to have too much feeling because I didn't wanted to feel the shoulders coming out & my placenta either, after they got her out she come straight to my arms all slimy but I didn't care I touched her, she was wide awake & making noise, My husband cut the umbilical cord and They took her to get check while my placenta was delivered, there was a bit of mecunium in my water so they wanted to make sure everything looked good, she passed with flying colors, the placenta delivery was hard it was like giving birth again but with someone punching your stomach, I hemorrhage an hour after it & it was so much my iron went down so I have to take iron pills, they like to give you two bags of piton after delivery in the postpartum room that lasted for 12 hours. The doctor helped me with the clots & 2 days later bleeding was not bad, almost gone. My neck, back & shoulder are still in a lot of pain, with occasional headaches, also cramping, I was able to pee 3 hours after birth with no complications & 2 days later I was able to have a bowel movement which it felt amazing, baby is doing great, she is a pro at breastfeeding they called her the rock start baby, thru the delivery she was such a good baby moving and never had a dip on her heart beat. We stay in the hospital for 2 days after she was born, first day was a little difficult but I wouldn't have made it without the nurses seriously they are angels and will always have an special part in my heart, by the 2nd day I was ready to go home, sleep in my bed and just be together with my family, it took us a good hour to get back home, poor Jelly (nickname we have for her) cry all the way home, there was an accident and sadly there is not much detours where we live but we made it and now we are just enjoying our little Jelly.

Thank You for reading,



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